
Friday, March  14, 2025 





March 2022


Congratulations to Alexey Khrabrov for winning the IBM CAS 2022 Studen of the Year award!



March 2022


Congratulations to Salaar, Daniyal, Tatianta, Andrea, Moshe, Robert, and Eyal! Their paper "Hindsight is 20/20: Retrospective Lessons for Conducting Longitudinal Wearable Sensing Studies" won the Best Paper Award at PerFail 2022.



April 2021


Congratulations to Caleb, Daniyal, Mickey and Eyal! Their paper "Wrist02: Reliable Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Readings from Wrist-Worn Pulse Oximeter" won a Honorable Mention Award at PerHealth 2021.



March 2020


Professor Eyal de Lara has received a Connaught Innovation Award for developing wearable and mobile technology that can be used in many disciplines and applications. Through their startup, Tabiat Research, de Lara and his collaborators use smartwatches to monitor individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a disease that affects millions of Canadians.



February 2020


Congratulations to Stathis, Kaveh and Bianca! Their FAST 2020 paper on the reliability of enterprise SSDs just won the FAST Best Paper Award. It also received some press coverage on ZDnet .



April 2019


Profs. Eyal de Lara and Michael Brudno received the 2019 EuroSys Test of Time Award for their paper "SnowFlock: Rapid Virtuóal Machine Cloning for Cloud Computing," originally presented at EuroSys '09.



March 2019


Profs. Bianca Schroeder and Garth Gibson received the 2019 FAST Test of Time Award for their paper "Disk Failures in the Real World: What Does an MTTF of 1,000,000 Hours Mean to You?," originally presented at FAST '07.



Aug 2018


Alumna Monia Gobadi (PhD 2013) joins MIT CSAIL faculty.



July 2016


Prof. Angela Demke Brown appointed to Usenix Board of Directors.



May 2016


Gennady Pekhimenko to join CSNG Faculty in the summer of 2017. Gennady received his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, where he worked with Professors Todd Mowry and Onur Mutlu.



March 2016


Profs. Angela Demke Brown, Bianca Schroeder and Eyal de Lara awarded NSERC Research Tools and Infrastructure grant titled "Infiniband-connected Servers for In-Memory Rack-Scale Computing Research."



February 2016


Prof. Angela Demke Brown co-chairs FAST-16.



July 2014


IBM PhD Student Colloquium Award


The paper "Towards High Performance Spatio-temporal Data Management Systems" by Suprio Ray (Advisor: Angela Demke Brown) won IBM PhD Student Colloquium Paper Award at the Ph.D. Colloquium, held in conjunction with the 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2014, Brisbane, Australia.


Best Student Paper Award


The paper "Supporting Location-Based Services in a Main-Memory Database" by Suprio Ray, Rolando Blanco, and Anil K. Goel won IBM Best Student Paper Award at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2014, Brisbane, Australia.


May 2014


Bianca Schroeder Awarded CACS/AIC Oustanding Young Computer Science Researcher Prize


This prize is awarded to "young computer science faculty members at Canadian universities within 10 years of their Ph.D. who have made highly significant contributions in their careers, particularly to research."


This is the second consecutive year that a CSNG faculty member has been awarded the CACS Prize.


Suprio Ray is invited to participate in the second Heidelberg Laureate Forum


The Heidelberg Laureate Forum brings together winners of the Turing Award and Nevanlinna Prize (CS), as well as the Abel Prize and Fields Medal (math). The goal of the Forum is to bring together 200 young researchers in Computer Science and Mathematics to spend a week in September (in Heidelberg, Germany) learning from and working with the laureates.

This year an international panel of experts selected 100 CS candidates from more than 40 countries around the world. Ph.D. student Suprio Ray is one of the invited attendees.

Congratulations Suprio!


February 2014


Prof. Bianca Schroeder co-chairs FAST-14.



May 2013


Eyal de Lara Awarded CACS/AIC Oustanding Young Computer Science Researcher Prize


This prize is awarded to "young computer science faculty members at Canadian universities within 10 years of their Ph.D. who have made highly significant contributions in their careers, particularly to research."


February 2013


Bianca Schroeder receives Sloan Fellowship


Bianca received this highly competitive award in recognition of the landmark research on large-scale system reliability, the impact of which has been significant both in academia and industry.


June 2012


Brudno and de Lara named U of T Inventors of the Year


Faculty members Eyal de Lara and Mike Brudno, and former DCS students Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Adin Scannell, and Joseph Andrew Whitney were named University of Toronto Inventors of the Year. Their software invention, VM Fork (Virtual Machine Fork) simplifies the development and reduces the management burden of cloud applications. VM Fork enables on-demand application scaling by instantly cloning a server into one or more replicas, in mere seconds. The software was released under an open source software licence, and is being commercialized by GridCentric, a Toronto-based start-up founded by UofT grads Lagar-Cavilla and Scannell.

Further details regarding their invention and award can be found here.


May 2012


Ryan Johnson wins 2012 SIGMOD Dissertation Award


Ryan Johnson has been awarded the 2012 SIGMOD Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award. The annual SIGMOD Jim Gray Dissertation Award recognizes excellent research by doctoral candidates in the database field.

Ryan completed his dissertation titled "Scalable Storage Managers for the Multicore Era" at Carnegie Mellon University. The Award mention noted, "Johnson's dissertation is a tour de force in identifying bottlenecks when scaling OLTP systems to many cores, proposing innovative solutions to each of them. The ideas in the thesis such as speculative lock inheritance, new techniques for combining log requests, and data-oriented transaction execution are highly innovative, and the work is remarkable for its breadth, depth, thorough implementation, and evaluation."


February 2012


Recon wins Best Paper Award at FAST 2012


The paper "Recon: Verifying File System Consistency at Runtime Analysis" by Daniel Fryer, Kuei Sun, Rahat Mahmood, TingHao Cheng, Shaun Benjamin, Ashvin Goel, and Angela Demke Brown won Best Paper at the 10th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST) in San Jose, California. See more information here.


November 2011


Eyal de Lara awarded VMware Grant


Faculty member Eyal de Lara was awarded a grant by VMware to conduct research on Flexible Computing with VM Fork. The project researches rapid, scale-oud cloning and customizaton of virtual machines, including the issues related to subsequent contraction of resources to enable true elasticity within a cloud environment.


October 2011


Eyal de Lara in U of T News


Faculty member Eyal de Lara spoke to U of T News about October's Blackberry outage.


July 2011


Ryan Johnson Joins the Systems & Networks Group


This summer, Ryan Johnson joined the CSNG as its newest faculty member. Ryan's research focuses on high performance database systems in the context of modern hardware advances, especially multicore computing and solid state (flash) storage. Among other subjects, he is also interested in low-level systems topics that impact database engine design, including computer architecture, operating systems, concurrency, and storage management.


Find a profile on Ryan here, and his webpage here. Ryan, welcome to the department!


Yashar Ganjali Receives Early Researcher Award


The Province of Ontario's Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) announced awards under its Research Excellence, Research Infrastructure and Early Researcher programs on July 25; the U of T earned more than $24.9 million in total.

Eighteen researchers were recognized with the Early Researcher Award (ERA), which helps promising newly-appointed researchers build their teams. DCS' Yashar Ganjali was awarded funding for his project titled, "Network management for next generation Internet." His citation reads: "With the amount of data continuing to grow, the Internet is reaching the point where its limitations are becoming clear. At the University of Toronto Dr. Yashar Ganjali is developing technologies necessary for the next generation Internet – work that will help Ontario’s information technology companies play a key role in the future of the industry."

See the U of T press release on the MRI awards here; see the ministry's list of U of T ERA recipients here.


December 2010


Eyal de Lara interviewed on CBC Radio


Interview with Eyal de Lara featured in CBC Radio segment on Cloud Computing. The Spark episode is available here . For the full interview click here.



November 2010


Andres Lagar-Cavilla awarded NSERC Doctoral Prize


The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Doctoral Prize recognizes excellence in student research in the natural sciences and engineering. Doctoral Prizes are awarded to up to four students who are completing their doctoral degrees at Canadian universities. Two awards are available in each of the two categories: natural sciences, and engineering and computer sciences.


Andres was honored for his research on "virtual machine (VM) fork," a new primitive that will make cloud computing more efficient. The full press release is available here.


Congratulations Andres!


October 2010


Roy Bryant featured in Global and Mail article.


April 2010


Svitlana Tumanova awarded Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship


The Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships are awarded by NSERC to the top ranked applicants in a competition year. Congratulations Svitlana!


October 2009


Bianca Schroeder's research with Google in Computerworld [October 2009]: "Google: DRAMM error rates vastly higher than previously thought"


Bianca Schroeder on Slashdot [October 2009]: "Google Finds DRAM Errors More Common Than Believed"


August 2009


Graduate student Stratis Ioannidis in News@UofT [August 2009]: "Social network research nets U of T student big prize"


July 2009


Ioannidis Wins Second Place in ACM SRC Grand Finals


At this year's ACM Awards Banquet in San Diego, Stratis Ioannidis was awarded 2nd place (Graduate Category) in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) for his work "On the Distribution of Content Updates over a Mobile Social Network".

Stratis' work received the top honor for student research at ACM Mobicom 2008 conference in San Francisco, and he is one of the three graduate students who qualified for the ACM SRC Grand Finals at the awards dinner. Find more information on the ACM SRC here. Congratulations, Stratis!


June 2009


Bianca being awarded the best presentation award


Bianca Schroeder, with E. Pinheiro and W. D. Weber, won the Sigmetrics Best Presentation Award for "DRAM errors in the wild: A Large-Scale Field Study" at Sigmetrics/Performance 2009 in Seattle, WA.


April 2009


SnowFlock group wins Best Paper Award at EuroSys 2009


January 2009


Patchin Wins Cressy Award


Undergraduate student Philip Patchin, who is working with the SnowFlock research team, was named a recipient of the UofT's annual Cressy Award, which was given to 157 students from across the university. The Cressy Student Leadership Award is given to honour students who have made outstanding extra-curricular contributions to the university. See the article about this achievement here.


December 2008


CSNG Students Awarded Travel Grants for OSDI 2008


An impressively large number of CSNG students secured travel grants for the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI). OSDI, one of the premier conferences in systems, was held in San Diego, California from December 7 to 11. Grant recipients included Roy Bryant, Andrés Lagar Cavilla, Philippa Gill, Ziyad Hatatet, Olga Irzak, Vivek Lakshmanan, Adin Scannell and Amin Tootoonchian.



First Annual CSNG Networking Competition


Student teams competed to download a few hundred mega bytes of data from a web server. The three winning teams were MK2 (Beombeyn Kim, Chiwoong Moon and Kyungwon Kwon), The Pings of Death (Ian Chan and George Foncea) and No Name (Kaveh Ghasemloo and Roy Brya). Find more information on the competition here.


November 2008


SnowFlock Project Releases Version 2.0


SnowFlock is a joint project between CSNG and the Computational Biology research groups, and is sponsored by NSERC, Platform Computing, the Ontario Innovation Trust and the Canada Foundation for Innovation. SnowFlock leverages virtual machine technology to enable high performance computing on cloud environments. The project team is pleased to announce the updated version is now available in binary and source code form and includes a queue of bugfixes such as exception handling in the control plane and mpi scalability. Find more nformation on SnowFlock here.



Systems and Networks Group Opens Lab to Department


On Tuesday, November 25, CSNG hosted the department's first research group Open House. Students, faculty and staff had the opportunity to see research on Operating Systems, Social Networking, Network Security, Mobile and Pervasive Computing, High-Performance Computing, and Wireless Networking. The Open House was a great success, giving the rest of the department a glimpse at some of the great work being done at CSNG.


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CSNG Department Open House 2008



October 2008


Geoff Salmon, Monia Ghobadi and Yashar Ganjali Win Best Paper at IMC2008


September 2008


Graduate Student Stratis Ioannidis Wins First Place in the ACM Student Research Competition at Mobicom 2008


PhD candidate Stratis Ioannidis' work, "On the Distribution of Content Updates over a Mobile Social Network", received the top honour for student research at ACM's 14th Annual Mobicom 2008 in San Francisco this September. Stratis will now go on to compete in the ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals with his work, which was originally developed during his internship at Thomson Research in Paris, France this past winter.


See more information on Mobicom, the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, here.


Phillipa Gill and Monia Ghobadi Awarded Travel Grant to IMC 2008


August 2008


Monia Ghobadi Awarded Travel Grant to ACM's SIGCOMM 2008


June 2008


Eyal de Lara Chairs Mobisys Conference 2008


May 2008


Monia Ghobadi Awarded Ontario Graduate Scholarship Award


April 2008


Ganjali, Saroiu and Koudas Awarded CFI Grants


This March, the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) distributed $2.3 million in new funding to the UofT through CFI's Leaders Opportunity Fund. Two projects rewarded with grants are led by DCS faculty members. Yashar Ganjali's funding will help equip the Advance Packet Switch and Network Laboratory. In this lab, research is conducted on high performance packet switch and network systems, supporting research on data communication systems.


Stefan Saroiu and Nick Koudas' grant will fund the Social Information Systems Laboratory, which will house research projects aiming to create new Internet search and content delivery technology leveraging online social networks. CFI funding helps ensure that researchers have the necessary tools to conduct leading edge research.


To see the UofT announcement about the latest round of CFI grants, go here.


To see CFI's complete list of funded projects, go here.


March 2008


VMGL Project Recommended as the OpenGL Solution by KVM Wiki


VMGL is a project sponsored by NSERC, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Google and the Ontario Innovation Trust. VMGL enables OpenGL apps running inside a Virtual Machine to take advantage of graphics hardware acceleration. Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is open source software; a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware. The VMGL project can be found on the KVM wiki here.


February 2008


Bianca Schroeder wins Best Paper at FAST 2008


Bianca's paper, "An Analysis of Data Corruption in the Storage Stack" won Best Student Paper at the 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST) in San Jose, California. See more information here.


January 2008


Yashar Ganjali Receives Cisco System's Research Award


Yashar received support from Cicsco for his work titled "Traffic Burstiness and Buffer Sizing in Internet Routers".


See Yashar's website here.

See Cisco's funding announcement here.