The Computer Systems & Networks Research Group at UofT works on projects that cover a diverse range of experimental and theoretical research, including operating systems, network security, mobile code architectures, high-performance computing and wireless networking.
The systems side works on a range of experimental projects on Internet systems and services. Our interests span Web-based and peer-to-peer systems design, network measurement and traffic analysis, fault-tolerant Internet systems, wireless networking, and network security. Our mission is to investigate high-impact research avenues that will shape the next generation Internet systems and services.
The networks side engages in both theoretical and experimental research: while we use modeling and analytical techniques to study fundamental problems in computer networks, we also conduct experimental studies and build real systems. Our research covers a broad range of topics including online social networks, wireless networks, peer-to-peer networks, sizing buffers in Internet routers and content delivery networks.
As an energetic research group, we have regular group meetings to discuss our current work and results. We also organize talks, research seminars and reading groups to facilitate cross-disciplinary discussion on topics of mutual interest.