Near Field Monitoring (NFM): A Modern Approach to Systems Monitoring in the Cloud
Safe Inspection of Live Virtual Machines
Sahil Suneja, Ricardo Koller, Canturk Isci, Eyal de Lara, Ali Hashemi, Arnamoy Bhattacharyya, Cristiana Amza
13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE), Xi'an, China, April 2017
Touchless and Always-on Cloud Analytics as a Service
Sahil Suneja, Canturk Isci, Ricardo Koller, Eyal de Lara
IBM Journal of Research and Development , vol. 60, no. 2-3, IBM, March 2016
Unified Monitoring and Analytics in the Cloud
Ricardo Koller, Canturk Isci, Sahil Suneja, Eyal de Lara
7th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 15), Santa Clara, CA, July 2015
Exploring VM Introspection: Techniques and Trade-offs
Sahil Suneja, Canturk Isci, Eyal de Lara, Vasanth Bala
International Conference on Virtual Execution Environment (VEE) , Istanbul, Turkey, March 2015
Non-intrusive, Out-of-band and Out-of-the-box Systems Monitoring in the Cloud
Sahil Suneja, Canturk Isci, Vasanth Bala, Eyal de Lara, Todd Mummert
SIGMETRICS, Austin, TX, June 2014