Publications by Type



[Book] [Collection] [Journal] [Magazine Article] [Conference] [Workshop] [Talk] [Poster] [Technical Report] [Thesis]




Location Systems: An Introduction to the Technology Behind Location Awareness

Anthony LaMarca, Eyal de Lara

Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Morgan and Claypool Publishers, July 2008








Feasibility of a wearable self-management application for patients with COPD at home: a pilot study

Robert Wu, Eyal de Lara, Daniyal Liaqat, Salaar Liaqat, Jun Lin Chen, Tatiana Son, Andrea Gershon

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 1-8, BioMed Central, March 2024


Enhancing modular application placement in a hierarchical fog computing: A latency and communication cost-sensitive approach

Leonan T. Oliveira, Luiz F. Bittencourt, Thiago A.L. Genez, Eyal de Lara, Maycon L.M. Peixoto

Computer Communications, vol. 216, no. 15, pp. 95-111, Elsevier, February 2024


Revisiting the Arguments for Edge Computing Research

Blesson Varghese, Eyal de Lara, Aaron Yi Ding, Cheol-Ho Hong, Flavio Bonomi, Schahram Dustdar, Paul Harvey, Peter Hewkin, Weisong Shi, Mark Thiele, Peter Willis

Internet Computing, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 36-42, IEEE, September 2021


A Survey on Edge Performance Benchmarking

Blesson Varghese, Nan Wang, David Bermbach, Cheol-Ho Hong, Eyal de Lara, Weisong Shi, Christopher Stewart

Computing Surveys, vol. 54, no. 3, ACM, April 2021


Feasibility of Using a Smartwatch to Intensively Monitor Patients with COPD

Robert Wu, Daniyal Liaqat, Eyal de Lara, Tatiana Son, Frank Rudzicz, Hisham Alshaer, Pegah Abed-Esfahani, Andrea Gershon

JMIR mHealth and uHealth , June 2018


Touchless and Always-on Cloud Analytics as a Service

Sahil Suneja, Canturk Isci, Ricardo Koller, Eyal de Lara

IBM Journal of Research and Development , vol. 60, no. 2-3, IBM, March 2016


Energy-Oriented Partial Desktop Virtual Machine Migration

Nilton Bila, Eyal de Lara, Kaustubh Joshi, H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Eunbyung Park, Ashvin Goel, Matti Hiltunen, M. Satyanarayanan

Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), vol. 33, no. 1, ACM, March 2015


SnowFlock: Virtual Machine Cloning as a First Class Cloud Primitive

H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Joseph Whitney, Roy Bryant, Philip Patchin , Michael Brudno, Eyal de Lara, Stephen M. Rumble, M. Satyanarayanan , Adin Scannell

Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), vol. 19, no. 1, ACM, February 2011


Searching Complex DataWithout an Index

M. Satyanarayanan , Rahul Sukthankar, Adam Goode, Nilton Bila, Lily Mummert, Jan Harkes, Adam Wolbach, Larry Huston, Eyal de Lara

International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, vol. 1, no. 2, December 2010


Proximity-based Authentication of Mobile Devices

Adin Scannell, Alex Varshavsky, Anthony LaMarca, Eyal de Lara

International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN), Special Issue on Secure Spontaneous Interaction, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 4-16, InderScience Publishers, January 2009


GSM Indoor Localization

Alex Varshavsky, Eyal de Lara, Jeffrey Hightower, Anthony LaMarca, Veljo Otsason

Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (PMC), vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 698-720, Elsevier, December 2007


On the Robustness of Simple Indoor MANET Simulation Models

H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Gerard Baron, Thomas E. Hart, Lionel Litty, Eyal de Lara

Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, Old City Publishing, Inc., October 2007


Iterative Adaptation for Mobile Clients Using Existing APIs

Eyal de Lara, Yogesh Chopra, Rajnish Kumar, Nilesh Vaghela, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 16, no. 10, IEEE Press, October 2005


Magazine Article


Data Management Systems for the Hierarchical Edge

Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Mohammad Salehe, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 11-17, ACM, May 2023


SIDEWINDER: Efficient and Easy-to-Use Continuous Sensing

Daniyal Liaqat, Silviu Jingoi, Wilson To, Ashvin Goel, Eyal de Lara

GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, vol. 20, no. 3, ACM, July 2016




Falcon: Live Reconfiguration for Stateful Stream Processing on the Edge [Best Paper Award]

Pritish Mishra, Nelson Bore, Brian Ramprasad, Myles Thiessen, Alexandre da Silva Veith, Oana Balmau, Eyal de Lara

Ninth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Rome, Italy, December 2024


Towards Multi-Stakeholder Clouds

Bohdan Borysei, Stefan Saroiu, Eyal de Lara

Twenty-fifth International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (ACM HotMobile 2024), San Diego, CA, February 2024


PORTEND: A Joint Performance Model for Partitioned Early-Exiting DNNs

Maryam Ebrahimi, Alexandre da Silva Veith, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

29th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2023), Ocean Flower Island, Hainan, China, December 2023


PulmoListener: Continuous Acoustic Monitoring of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the Wild

Sejal Bhalla, Salaar Liaqat, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Eyal de Lara, Alex Mariakakis

Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Cancun, Mexico, October 2023


Shepherd: Seamless Stream Processing on the Edge

Brian Ramprasad, Pritish Mishra, Myles Thiessen, Hongkai Chen, Alexandre da Silva Veith, Moshe Gabel, Oana Balmau, Abelard Chow, Eyal de Lara

IEEE/ACM 7th Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Seattle, WA, December 2022


JITServer: Disaggregated Caching JIT Compiler for the JVM in the Cloud

Alexey Khrabrov, Marius Pirvu, Vijay Sundaresan, Eyal de Lara

USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 22), Carlsbad, CA, July 2022


Starlight: Fast Container Provisioning on the Edge and over the WAN

Jun Lin Chen, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Renton, WA, April 2022


Remote COPD Severity and Exacerbation Detection Using Heart Rate and Activity Data Measured from a Wearable Device

Abhishek Tiwari, Salaar Liaqat, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara, Tiago H. Falk

43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Virtual Conference, November 2021


Coughwatch: Real-World Cough Detection Using Smartwatches

Daniyal Liaqat, Salaar Liaqat, Jun Lin Chen, Tina Sedaghat, Moshe Gabel, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal de Lara

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Virtual Conference, June 2021


RL-Scope: Cross-stack Profiling for Deep Reinforcement Learning Workloads

James Gleeson, Srivatsan Krishnan, Moshe Gabel, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Eyal de Lara, Gennady Pekhimenko

Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys), San Jose, CA, April 2021


Phase Aware Performance Modeling for Cloud Applications

Arnamoy Bhattacharyya, Cristiana Amza, Eyal de Lara

13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020), Beijing, China, November 2020


Feather: Hierarchical Querying for the Edge [Honorable Mention]

Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Mohammad Salehe, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Cyberspace, November 2020


MUSIC: Multi-Site Critical Sections over Geo-Distributed State

Bharath Balasubramanian, Pamela Zave, Richard Schlichting, Mohammad Salehe, Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan, Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Eyal de Lara, Matti Hiltunen, Kaustubh Joshi, Gueyoung Jung

40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Singapore, November 2020


SessionStore: A Session-Aware Datastore for the Edge

Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Mohammad Salehe, Bharath Balasubramanian, Eyal de Lara, Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan

IEEE 4th International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC), Melbourne, Australia, May 2020


DeFog: Fog Computing Benchmarks

Jonathan McChesney, Nan Wang, Ashish Tanwer, Eyal de Lara, Blesson Varghese

Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Washington, DC, November 2019


WearBreathing: Real World Respiratory Rate Monitoring using Smartwatches

Daniyal Liaqat, Mohamed Abdalla, Pegah Abed-Esfahani, Moshe Gabel, Tatiana Son, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal de Lara

The 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2019), London, UK, June 2019


CloudPath: A Multi-Tier Cloud Computing Framework

Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Mohammad Salehe, Carolina Simoes Gomes, Caleb Phillips, Eyal de Lara

2nd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), San Jose, CA, October 2017


Crane: Fast and Migratable GPU Passthrough for OpenCL Applications

James Gleeson, Daniel Kats, Charlie Mei, Eyal de Lara

Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (Systor), Haifa, Israel, May 2017


Safe Inspection of Live Virtual Machines

Sahil Suneja, Ricardo Koller, Canturk Isci, Eyal de Lara, Ali Hashemi, Arnamoy Bhattacharyya, Cristiana Amza

13th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE), Xi'an, China, April 2017


Sidewinder: An Energy Efficient and Developer Friendly Heterogeneous Architecture for Continuous Mobile Sensing

Daniyal Liaqat, Silviu Jingoi, Eyal de Lara, Ashvin Goel, Wilson To, Kevin Lee, Italo De Moraes Garcia, Manuel Saldana

21th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Atlanta, GA, April 2016


Oasis: Energy Proportionality with Hybrid Server Consolidation

Junji Zhi, Nilton Bila, Eyal de Lara

Eleventh European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), London, United Kingdom, April 2016


Exploring VM Introspection: Techniques and Trade-offs

Sahil Suneja, Canturk Isci, Eyal de Lara, Vasanth Bala

International Conference on Virtual Execution Environment (VEE) , Istanbul, Turkey, March 2015


Protecting Data on Smartphones and Tablets from Memory Attacks

Patrick Colp, Jiawen Zhang, James Gleeson, Sahil Suneja, Eyal de Lara, Himanshu Raj, Stefan Saroiu, Alec Wolman

Twentieth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Istanbul, Turkey, March 2015


Non-intrusive, Out-of-band and Out-of-the-box Systems Monitoring in the Cloud

Sahil Suneja, Canturk Isci, Vasanth Bala, Eyal de Lara, Todd Mummert

SIGMETRICS, Austin, TX, June 2014


Octopus: Efficient Data Intensive Computing on Virtualized Datacenters

Svitlana Tumanova, Olga Irzak, Lili Sun, Shiri Margel, Eyal de Lara

6th International Systems and Storage Conference, Haifa, Israel, June 2013


Jettison: Efficient Idle Desktop Consolidation with Partial VM Migration

Nilton Bila, Eyal de Lara, Kaustubh Joshi, H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Matti Hiltunen, M. Satyanarayanan

European Conference on Computer Systems (Eurosys), Bern, Switzerland, April 2012


FlurryDB: A Dynamically Scalable Relational Database with Virtual Machine Cloning [Best Student Paper Award]

Michael J. Mior, Eyal de Lara

4th Annual International Systems and Storage Conference, Haifa, Israel, May 2011


Kaleidoscope: Cloud Micro-Elasticity via VM State Coloring

Roy Bryant, Alexey Tumanov, Olga Irzak, Adin Scannell, Kaustubh Joshi, Matti Hiltunen, H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Eyal de Lara

European Conference on Computer Systems (Eurosys), Saltzburg, Austria, April 2011


Timbremap: Enabling the Visually-Impaired to Use Maps on Touch-Enabled Devices

Jing Su, Alyssa Rosenzweig, Ashvin Goel, Eyal de Lara, Khai Truong

12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2010


Ensemble: Cooperative Proximity-based Authentication

Andre Kalamandeen, Adin Scannell, Eyal de Lara, Anmol Sheth, Anthony LaMarca

8th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services (MobiSys), San Francisco, CA, June 2010


Leveraging Smart Phones to Reduce Mobility Footprints

Stephen Smaldone, Benjamin Gilbert, Nilton Bila, Liviu Iftode, Eyal de Lara, M. Satyanarayanan

International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), Kraków, Poland, June 2009


SnowFlock: Rapid Virtual Machine Cloning for Cloud Computing [Best Paper Award]

H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Joseph Whitney, Adin Scannell, Philip Patchin , Stephen M. Rumble, Eyal de Lara, Michael Brudno, M. Satyanarayanan

3rd European Conference on Computer Systems (Eurosys), Nuremberg, Germany, April 2009


CILoS: A CDMA Indoor Localization System

Waqas ur Rehman, Eyal de Lara, Stefan Saroiu

10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Seoul, South Korea, September 2008


Calibree: Calibration-free Localization using Relative Distance Estimations

Alex Varshavsky, Denis Pankratov, John Krumm , Eyal de Lara

Sixth International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive), Sydney, Australia, May 2008


Interactive Resource-Intensive Applications Made Easy

H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Niraj Tolia, Eyal de Lara, M. Satyanarayanan , David O'Hallaron

8th International Middleware Conference (Middleware), Newport Beach, California, November 2007


Correlation-Based Content Adaptation for Mobile Web Browsing

Iqbal Mohomed, Adin Scannell, Nilton Bila, Jin Zhang, Eyal de Lara

8th International Middleware Conference (Middleware), Newport Beach, California, November 2007


Amigo: Proximity-based Authentication of Mobile Devices

Alex Varshavsky, Adin Scannell, Anthony LaMarca, Eyal de Lara

9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Innsbruck, Austria, September 2007


An Exploration of Location Error Estimation

Dave Dearman, Alex Varshavsky, Eyal de Lara, Khai Truong

9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Innsbruck, Austria, September 2007


Exploiting Social Interactions in Mobile Systems

Andrew G. Miklas, Kiran K. Gollu, Kelvin K. W. Chan, Stefan Saroiu, Krishna P. Gummadi, Eyal de Lara

9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Innsbruck, Austria, September 2007


Haggle: Seamless Networking for Mobile Applications

Jing Su, James Scott, Pan Hui, Jon Crowcroft, Eyal de Lara, Christophe Diot, Ashvin Goel, Meng How Lim, Eben Upton

9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Innsbruck, Austria, September 2007


PageTailor: Reusable End-User Customization for the Mobile Web

Nilton Bila, Troy Ronda, Iqbal Mohomed, Khai Truong , Eyal de Lara

5th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 2007


VMM-Independent Graphics Acceleration

H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Niraj Tolia, M. Satyanarayanan , Eyal de Lara

3rd ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE), San Diego, CA, June 2007


The SkyLoc Floor Localization System

Alex Varshavsky, Anthony LaMarca, Jeffrey Hightower, Eyal de Lara

5th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), White Plains, NY, March 2007


Mobility Detection Using Everyday GSM Traces

Timothy Sohn, Alex Varshavsky, Anthony LaMarca, Mike Y. Chen, Tanzeem Choudhury, Ian Smith, Sunny Consolvo, Jeffrey Hightower, William G. Griswold, Eyal de Lara

8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Irvine, CA, September 2006


An Empirical Evaluation of the Student-Net Delay Tolerant Networks

Jing Su, Ashvin Goel, Eyal de Lara

3rd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services (MOBIQUITOUS), San Jose, CA, July 2006


Efficient and Transparent Dynamic Content Updates for Mobile Clients

Trevor Armstrong, Olivier Trescases, Cristiana Amza, Eyal de Lara

4th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2006


Context-Aware Interactive Content Adaptation

Iqbal Mohomed, Jim Chengming Cai, Sina Chavoshi, Eyal de Lara

4th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2006


URICA: Usage-awaRe Interactive Content Adaptation for Mobile Devices

Iqbal Mohomed, Jim Chengming Cai, Eyal de Lara

1st EuroSys Conference, Leuven, Belgium, April 2006


A Cross-Layer Approach to Service Discovery and Selection in MANETs

Alex Varshavsky, Brad Reid, Eyal de Lara

IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems Conference (MASS), Washington, DC, November 2005


The Taser Intrusion Recovery System

Ashvin Goel, Kenneth Po, Kamran Farhadi, Zheng Li, Eyal de Lara

20th Symposium on Operating Systems Prinicples (SOSP), Brighton, UK, October 2005


Accurate GSM Indoor Localization

Veljo Otsason , Alex Varshavsky, Anthony LaMarca, Eyal de Lara

7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Tokyo, Japan, September 2005


Simplified Simulation Models for Indoor MANET Evaluation are not Robust

H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Gerard Baron, Thomas E. Hart, Lionel Litty, Eyal de Lara

1st IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), Santa Clara, CA, October 2004


Disconnected Operation in Publish/Subscribe Middleware

Ioana Burcea, Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Eyal de Lara, Vinod Muthusamy , Milenko Petrovic

IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Berkeley, CA, January 2004


Collaboration and Multimedia Authoring on Mobile Devices

Eyal de Lara, Rajnish Kumar, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

1st International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), San Francisco, CA, May 2003


HATS: Hierarchical Adaptive Transmission Scheduling for Multi-Application Adaptation

Eyal de Lara, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference (MMCN), San Jose, CA, January 2002


Reducing the Energy Usage of Office Applications

Jason Flinn, Eyal de Lara, M. Satyanarayanan , Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms (Middleware), Heidelberg, Germany, November 2001


Puppeteer: Component-based Adaptation for Mobile Computing

Eyal de Lara, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

3rd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS), San Francisco, CA, March 2001


Opportunities for Bandwidth Adaptation in Microsoft Office Documents

Eyal de Lara, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

4th USENIX Windows Systems Symposium, Seattle, Washington, August 2000


A Performance Comparison of Homeless and Home-based Lazy Release Consistency Protocols in Software Shared Memory

Alan L. Cox, Eyal de Lara, Y. Charlie Hu, Willy Zwaenepoel

5th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Orlando, FL, January 1999




PathFS: A File System for the Hierarchical Edge

Vinicius Dantas de Lima Melo, Myles Thiessen, Aleksey Panas, Alexandre da Silva Veith, Keijiro Yano, Oana Balmau, Eyal de Lara

7th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys), Athens, Greece, April 2024


JITServer: Disaggregated Caching JIT Compiler for the JVM in the Cloud (Extended Abstract)

Alexey Khrabrov, Marius Pirvu, Vijay Sundaresan, Eyal de Lara

3rd Workshop on Resource Disaggregation and Serverless (WORDS'22), San Diego, CA, November 2022


Combining DNN Partitioning and Early Exit

Maryam Ebrahimi, Alexandre da Silva Veith, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

5th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys), Rennes, France, April 2022


Hindsight is 20/20: Retrospective Lessons for Conducting Longitudinal Wearable Sensing Studies [Best Paper Award]

Salaar Liaqat, Daniyal Liaqat, Tatiana Son, Andrea Gershon, Moshe Gabel, Robert Wu, Eyal de Lara

First International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing, Cyberspace, March 2022


Skin Tone, Confidence, and Data Quality of Heart Rate Sensing in WearOS Smartwatches

Ishita Ray, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

6th IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Health Technologies, Virtual, March 2021


WristO2: Reliable Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Readings from Wrist-Worn Pulse Oximeters [Honorable Mention]

Caleb Phillips, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications Using Wrist Worn Smart Devices (WristSense), Virtual, March 2021


Sustainable Computing on the Edge: A System Dynamics Perspective

Brian Ramprasad, Alexandre da Silva Veith, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

22nd International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), Cyberspace, February 2021


Reconfigurable Streaming for the Mobile Edge

Abhishek Tiwari, Brian Ramprasad, Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

20th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), Santa Cruz, CA, February 2019


Toward Session Consistency for the Edge

Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Bharath Balasubramanian, Eyal de Lara, Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan

USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 18), Boston, MA, July 2018


Challenges with Real-World Smartwatch based Audio Monitoring

Daniyal Liaqat, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Hisham Alshaer, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal de Lara

Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications (WearSys 2018), Munich, Germany, June 2018


Heterogeneous GPU Reallocation

James Gleeson, Eyal de Lara

Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud), San Jose, CA, July 2017


Accelerating Complex Data Transfer for Cluster Computing

Alexey Khrabrov, Eyal de Lara

8th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud '16), Denver, CO, June 2016


Unified Monitoring and Analytics in the Cloud

Ricardo Koller, Canturk Isci, Sahil Suneja, Eyal de Lara

7th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 15), Santa Clara, CA, July 2015


The Case for System Testing with Swift Hierarchical VM Fork

Junji Zhi, Sahil Suneja, Eyal de Lara

6th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud '14), Philadelphia, PA, June 2014


EnVi: Energy Efficient Video Player for Mobiles

Sahil Suneja, Vishnu Navda, Ramachandran Ramjee, Eyal de Lara

Workshop On Cellular Networks: Operations, Challenges, and Future Design (CellNet) , Taipei, Taiwan, June 2013


Accelerating The Cloud with Heterogeneous Computing

Sahil Suneja, Elliott Baron, Eyal de Lara, Ryan Johnson

3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, Portland, OR, June 2011


The Case for Context-Aware Selective Resume

Eric Wright, Eyal de Lara, Ashvin Goel

2nd International Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing and Services (MCS), Bethesda, MD, June 2011


The Case for Energy-Oriented Partial Desktop Migration

Nilton Bila, Eyal de Lara, Matti Hiltunen, Kaustubh Joshi, H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla

USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud), Boston, MA, June 2010


Adding the Easy Button to the Cloud with SnowFlock and MPI

Philip Patchin , H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Eyal de Lara, Michael Brudno

3rd Workshop on System-level Virtualization for High Performance Computing (HPCVirt 2009) , Nuremberg, Germany, April 2009


Low-Bandwidth VM Migration via Opportunistic Replay

Ajay Surie, H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Eyal de Lara, M. Satyanarayanan

9th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), Napa Valley, CA, February 2008


Enabling Secure and Spontaneous Communication between Mobile Devices using Common Radio Environment

Alex Varshavsky, Anthony LaMarca, Eyal de Lara

IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), Tucson, AZ, February 2007


A Preliminary Investigation of Worm Infections in a Bluetooth Environment

Jing Su, Kelvin K. W. Chan, Andrew G. Miklas, Kenneth Po, Ali Akhavan, Stefan Saroiu, Eyal de Lara, Ashvin Goel

ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM), Alexandria, VA, November 2006


Are GSM Phones THE Solution for Localization?

Alex Varshavsky, Mike Y. Chen, Eyal de Lara, Jon Froehlich, Dirk Haehnel, Jeffrey Hightower, Anthony LaMarca, Fred Potter, Timothy Sohn, Karen Tang, Ian Smith

7th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA), Semiahmoo Resort, WA, April 2006


User Mobility for Opportunistic Ad-Hoc Networking

Jing Su, Alvin Chin, Anna Popivanoca, Ashvin Goel, Eyal de Lara

6th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA), English Lake District, UK, December 2004


Community-Driven Adaptation: Automatic Content Adaptation in Pervasive Environments

Iqbal Mohomed, Alvin Chin, Jim Chengming Cai, Eyal de Lara

6th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA), English Lake District, UK, December 2004


Alleviating Self-Interference in MANETs

Alex Varshavsky, Eyal de Lara

th International IEEE Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN), Tampa, FL, November 2004


Cross-Layer Flow Control in Lightly-Loaded Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks

Alex Varshavsky, Baochun Li, Eyal de Lara

International Workshop on Network Design and Architecture (IWNDA), Montreal, Quebec, August 2004


Extensible Adaptation via Constraint Solving

Yuri Dorsenko, Eyal de Lara, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

4th IEEE Worwshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, Callicoon, NY, June 2002


Collaboration and Document Editing on Bandwidth-Limited Devices

Eyal de Lara, Rajnish Kumar, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

Workshop on Application Models and Programming Tools for Ubiquitous Computing (UbiTools) , Atlanta, GA, September 2001


Position Summary: Architectures for Adaptation Systems

Eyal de Lara, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

8th IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS), Schloss Elmau, Germany, May 2001


The Effect of Contention on the Scalability of Page-Based Software Shared Memory Systems

Eyal de Lara, Y. Charlie Hu, Honghui Lu, Alan L. Cox, Willy Zwaenepoel

5th Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-time Systems for Scalable Computers (LRC) , Rochester, NY, May 2000


Caching Documents with Active Properties

Eyal de Lara, Karin Petersen, Douglas B. Terry, Anthony LaMarca, Mike Salisbury, Paul Dourish, Keith Edwards, John Lamping

7th IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS), Rio Rico, AZ, March 1999




End User Customization for the Mobile Web

Eyal de Lara

Google Tech Talk, Waterloo, Canada, December 2008


Amigo: Proximity-based Authentication of Mobile Devices

Eyal de Lara

Google Tech Talk, Mountain View, CA, July 2007




Poster: Speech in Smartwatch Based Audio

Daniyal Liaqat, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon, Hisham Alshaer, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal de Lara

International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), Munich, Germany, June 2018


Poster: Feasibility of using a Smartwatch to Intensively Monitor Patients with COPD

Robert Wu, Daniyal Liaqat, Eyal de Lara, Tatiana Son, Frank Rudzicz, Hisham Alshaer, Pegah Abed-Esfahani, Andrea Gershon

American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, CA, May 2018


Poster: Towards Ambulatory Cough Monitoring using Smartwatches

Daniyal Liaqat, Robert Wu, Tatiana Son, Andrea Gershon, Hisham Alshaer, Eyal de Lara, Frank Rudzicz

American Thoracic Society International Conference,, San Diego, CA, May 2018


High Speed Object Tracking Using Edge Computing

Joel Dick, Caleb Phillips, Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Eyal de Lara

Poster at the 2nd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), San Jose, CA, October 2017


Poster: WearCOPD - Monitoring COPD Patients Remotely using Smartwatches

Daniyal Liaqat, Ishan Thukral, Parco Sin, Hisham Alshaer, Frank Rudzicz, Eyal de Lara, Robert Wu, Andrea Gershon

nternational Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Companion , Singapore, Singapore, June 2016


Poster: Feasibility of Using Smartwatches and Smartphones to Monitor Patients with COPD

Robert Wu, Eyal de Lara, Daniyal Liaqat, Ishan Thukral, Andrea Gershon

American Thoracic Society International Conference , San Francisco, CA, May 2016


Poster: Feasibility of a Smartwatch and Smartphone Application to Remotely Monitor Patients with COPD

Andrea Gershon, Robert Wu, Daniyal Liaqat, Parco Sin, Eyal de Lara

Clinical Impact Through Innovation Expo, Toronto, Canada, February 2016


SnowFlock: VM Cloning for Parallel Cloud Computing

H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Joseph Whitney, Adin Scannell, Stephen M. Rumble, Michael Brudno, M. Satyanarayanan , Eyal de Lara

Poster at USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, MA, June 2008


Snowflock: Virtual Cluster Technology for Bioinformatics Applications

Michael Brudno, H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Eyal de Lara, Stephen M. Rumble, Adin Scannell, Joseph Whitney

Poster at the 16th Annual International Conference Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Toronto, ON, January 2008


Dimorphic Computing: Sustainable Performance Through Thick and Thin

Eyal de Lara, H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, M. Satyanarayanan , David O'Hallaron , Niraj Tolia, Rajesh Balan

Poster at 4th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), Uppsala, Sweden, June 2006


Technical Report


Towards Reconfigurable Linearizable Reads

Myles Thiessen, Aleksey Panas, Guy Khazma, Eyal de Lara

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.05470, Technical Report , April 2024


Wrist02: Reliable Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Readings from Wrist-Worn Pulse Oximeters

Caleb Phillips, Daniyal Liaqat, Moshe Gabel, Eyal de Lara

arXiv preprint, Technical Report arXiv:1906.07545, June 2019


Copernicus: Face-to-Face Web-based Sharing and Collaboration

Jing Su, Dave Dearman, Dritan Xhabija, Ashvin Goel, Eyal de Lara

University of Toronto, Technical Report CSRG-603 , November 2009


Impromptu Clusters for Near-Interactive Cloud-Based Services

H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Joseph Whitney, Adin Scannell, Stephen M. Rumble, Eyal de Lara, Michael Brudno, M. Satyanarayanan

Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Technical Report CSRG-TR578, June 2008


A Characterization of Compound Documents on the Web

Eyal de Lara, Dan S. Wallach, Willy Zwaenepoel

Rice Computer Science, Technical Report TR99-351, November 1999




Component-Based Adaptation for Mobile Computing

Eyal de Lara

PhD. Thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas, April 2002


The Effect of Contention on the Scalability of Page-Based Software Shared Memory System

Eyal de Lara

M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas, January 1999