author = "Sahil Suneja and Canturk Isci and Vasanth Bala and Eyal de Lara and Todd Mummert",
title = "Non-intrusive, Out-of-band and Out-of-the-box Systems Monitoring in the Cloud",
booktitle = "SIGMETRICS",
address = "Austin, TX",
month = "June",
year = "2014",
pages = "",
author = "Sahil Suneja and Canturk Isci and Vasanth Bala and Eyal de Lara and Todd Mummert",
title = "Non-intrusive, Out-of-band and Out-of-the-box Systems Monitoring in the Cloud",
booktitle = "SIGMETRICS",
address = "Austin, TX",
month = "June",
year = "2014",
pages = "",