Iterative Adaptation for Mobile Clients Using Existing APIs
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 16, no. 10, IEEE Press, October 2005
Iterative Adaptation is a novel approach to adaptation for resource-limited mobile and wireless environments that supports powerful application-specific adaptations without requiring modifications to the application s source code. Common productivity applications, such as browsers, word processors, and presentation tools, export APIs that allow external applications to control their operation. The novel premise in iterative adaptation is that these APIs are sufficient to support a wide range of adaptation policies for applications running on resource-limited devices. In addition to allowing adaptation without having to change the application s source code, this approach has a unique combination of advantages. First, it supports centralized management of resources across multiple applications. Second, it makes it possible to modify application behavior after the application has been deployed. This paper evaluates the extent to which existing APIs can be used for the purposes of adapting document-based applications to run on bandwidth-limited devices. In particular, we implement a large number of bandwidth adaptations for applications from the Microsoft Office and the OpenOffice productivity suites and for Internet Explorer. Although we find limitations in their APIs, we are able to implement many adaptation policies without much complexity and with good performance. Moreover, iterative adaptation achieves performance similar to an approach that implements adaptation by modifying the application, while requiring only a fraction of the coding effort.